Let's Make a Calendar

Thank you for purchasing the 'How to Organize a "Let's make a calendar" Event' manual! We are delighted to have you join us in this unique venture that combines humor, creativity, and the art of calendar making. This manual has been carefully curated to guide you through organizing a competition where participants unleash their creativity to design the most hilarious and engaging calendars. Your initiative in hosting this event is about to bring smiles and laughter to many, while sparking a sense of camaraderie among participants. Welcome to a fun-filled journey of creativity, and may the best and funniest calendar win!


  • Andreu Mateu's E-Book: "The 51 Steps to organize a participative event"

    This is a direct download, and you can get it by clicking this link

  • The specific Flipbook: "How to make a -Let's make a calendar- Event"

    Read it below, right on this page. For all extra materials, like sheets, attachments and extras, you will find them with QR links inside.

  • Audiobook

    The complete guide for you to listen wherever you are. Play here

Let's make a calendar Event

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