Desafío de reacción en cadena
Mastery Toolkit
About this participative Event
"Incorporar sorpresa en cada enlace".
Para el organizador, el objetivo es desafiar al equipo a construir una espectacular máquina de Rube Goldberg, promoviendo la creatividad, la cooperación y el trabajo en equipo, logrando al mismo tiempo una reacción en cadena larga y sorprendente.
Los participantes se convierten en verdaderos ingenieros y colaboran para diseñar y construir una compleja secuencia de reacciones que culminan en un objetivo predefinido. Cada equipo recibe un kit de construcción que incluye herramientas básicas y una variedad de materiales para construir su parte de la máquina.
El objetivo principal es construir una máquina Goldberg funcional y sorprendente en menos de tres horas, utilizando su creatividad y habilidades de trabajo en equipo.
Se establecen normas de seguridad para el manejo de herramientas y materiales, así como normas de reparto de recursos entre equipos y coordinación de las distintas partes de la máquina. Los equipos son evaluados por un jurado en función de la originalidad, complejidad y ejecución de su máquina Goldberg. Se otorgan puntuaciones en función de estos criterios, premiando la creatividad y la eficiencia en la ejecución del proyecto.
Para llevar a cabo con éxito la construcción de la máquina de Goldberg se requieren habilidades de diseño, planificación, resolución de problemas y trabajo en equipo. Los participantes aprenderán a colaborar, comunicarse de manera eficaz y gestionar recursos de manera eficaz mientras trabajan en pos de un objetivo común.
Characteristics of the Event
Over the years, we have meticulously uncovered the optimal conditions and attributes for conducting this event, which are now comprehensively integrated into our toolkit. We highly recommend taking these attributes into account as they come from our real-world experiences. However, we also understand the uniqueness of each scenario and encourage you to tailor these recommendations to best fit your specific needs.
Ideal if you are a:
Organizing for:
Group size:
Toolkit contents. What you'll get!

Unlock a lifetime access to our comprehensive multimedia content specific for this event. Find out what's inside this Toolkit
Toolkit Contents with the Personal Use License

"How to do the event" Online Flipbook
Andreu Mateu's infallible formula behind the most mega-successful events, packed in a single e-Book divided into 51 steps that you can access from anywhere, it walks you through EVERYTHING you need to know to execute a participative group event with minimal stress.

The Material List & The Planning Checklist
Two downloadable PDF. The first contains a detail-oriented extended list of every resource you may need for this event, ingeniously designed to significantly see immediate improvements in your planning process. Plus, a simple but powerful Checklist to be sure that you have everything you need before leaving home.
"How to do the Event" in Audiobook format
Andreu Mateu's infallible formula behind the most mega-successful events, packed in a single PDF e-Book divided into 51 steps, walks you through EVERYTHING you need to know to execute a participative group event with minimal stress.
Toolkit Contents with the Corporate Use License

Everything from the Personal Use License PLUS:
We’re excited to bring you some incredible additional resources exclusively for the Corporate Use license soon. Stay tuned! Learn about the different licenses here.

Coming soon...
We’re excited to bring you some incredible additional resources exclusively for the Corporate Use license soon. Stay tuned!

The Material List & The Checklist
Andreu Mateu's infallible formula behind the most mega-succes in downloadable PDF. To debrief bla bla bla
Toolkit Contents with the Professional Use License

Everything from the Corporate Use License PLUS:
We’re excited to bring you some incredible additional resources exclusively for the Professional Use license soon. Stay tuned! Learn about the different licenses here.

Everything from the Corporate License
Plus... +

The Material List & The Checklist
Andreu Mateu's infallible formula behind the most mega-succes in downloadable PDF. To debrief bla bla bla

Multi-user License
Andreu Mateu's infallible formula behind the most mega-succes in downloadable PDF. To debrief bla bla bla

Lifeitime Updates
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Promotional Material
Andreu Mateu's infallible formula behind the most mega-succes in downloadable PDF. To debrief bla bla bla

Access to the Internationcal Network of Dreams & Adventures
Andreu Mateu's infallible formula behind the most mega-succes in downloadable PDF. To debrief bla bla bla
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