Prop Title 1
    Propuesta de Team Building
Prop Title 2


Setion 2 Title
    Propuesta de Team Building para


    En el vertiginoso entorno empresarial actual, fomentar una dinámica de equipo sólida es más importante que nunca. El éxito de las actividades de creación de equipos puede mejorar significativamente la energía, la colaboración y la camaradería dentro de cualquier organización, lo que conduce a una mayor productividad y satisfacción de los empleados.

    En esta propuesta se describen cuatro atractivas e innovadoras actividades de creación de equipos diseñadas específicamente para estrechar lazos y fomentar el trabajo en equipo dentro de su empresa. Cada actividad ha sido cuidadosamente seleccionada para garantizar un equilibrio entre diversión, aprendizaje y desarrollo del equipo, adaptado para satisfacer las necesidades y objetivos de su organización, en función de su correo electrónico. Nos complace presentarle estas oportunidades y esperamos contribuir al éxito y la cohesión de su equipo.
Prop. Date

December 14th 2024

Prop. Location


Prop. Group Size
    Número de personas:


Prop. Duration

3 hours

December 14th 2024



3 hours

Prop. Sect2 Title 2
    Nuestro objetivo
Prop. Sect2 Paragraph 2
    Nuestro objetivo principal ahora es ayudarte en dos niveles:

    En un primer nivel, buscamos proporcionarte ideas brillantes de forma rápida, ofrecerte orientación y ahorrarte tiempo en todo lo necesario desde hoy hasta el día del evento.

    En un segundo nivel, a medio plazo, queremos ofrecer a los participantes una experiencia transformadora el día del evento, que promueva el disfrute, fortalezca las relaciones interpersonales y mejore la comunicación.

Through our team building activities, we seek to

- Foster team cohesion and camaraderie
- Improve communication and release tension
- Develop leadership and teamwork skills
- Increase motivation and engagement
- Create a positive and collaborative work environment.

We are committed to providing you with a memorable experience tailored to the specific needs of your team and contributing to the long-term success of the organizing company, which ultimately pays the bill and should reap the rewards of its investment.


Our suggested activities for you

Let's get straight to the point. Below, we are pleased to present our proposal for team building activities designed specifically to strengthen team spirit and enhance collaboration among your company's employees.

You will find a variety of activities carefully selected based on the characteristics of your project to help you achieve your team building objectives over the day.

We have selected a range of activities for you, considering them the most suitable based on the information you have provided, including the location, date, number of participants and the mentioned objectives.,

Each activity is presented with a name, a brief description, and a price that is divided into a fixed part and a variable part based on the number of participants. All activities or events usually last 3 hours, but some can be adapted, if necessary. Here are the activities with which we can succeed and their prices. We need to choose one of them for each day.

Chain Reaction

Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction

Chain Reaction



¡Construyendo sorpresas, un enlace a la vez!

El objetivo de este evento es desafiar al equipo a construir una espectacular máquina de Rube Goldberg, promoviendo la creatividad, la cooperación y el trabajo en equipo mientras se logra una reacción en cadena larga y sorprendente. Los participantes se convierten en ingenieros y colaboran para diseñar y construir una secuencia compleja de reacciones que culminan en un objetivo predefinido. Cada equipo recibe un kit de construcción con herramientas básicas y una variedad de materiales para construir su sección de la máquina. El objetivo principal es crear una máquina Goldberg funcional y sorprendente en menos de tres horas, utilizando la creatividad y el trabajo en equipo. Los equipos son evaluados por un jurado en función de la originalidad, la complejidad y la ejecución de su máquina. Se premia la creatividad y la eficiencia.


Base Fee: 1050€ - Additional Cost: 67€ per person
VAT not included

Big Picture Team

Big Picture Team
Big Picture Team
Big Picture Team
Big Picture Team
Big Picture Team
Big Picture Team
Big Picture Team
Big Picture Team
Big Picture Team
Big Picture Team
Big Picture Team
Big Picture Team
Big Picture Team
Big Picture Team
Big Picture Team
Big Picture Team
Big Picture Team
Big Picture Team
Big Picture Team
Big Picture Team
Big Picture Team
Big Picture Team
Big Picture Team
Big Picture Team

Big Picture Team



¡Pintando una visión compartida!

A veces, es esencial dar un paso atrás y ver las cosas desde una perspectiva más amplia. "The Big Picture" reúne a su equipo no solo para reflexionar sobre el presente, sino también para mirar hacia el futuro. En esta actividad, los participantes colaborarán para crear una obra de arte gigante y cohesiva, que puede estar inspirada en el logotipo de la empresa, la marca, los valores o incluso una obra de arte famosa. Cada equipo es responsable de pintar una sección de la obra maestra general. Para lograrlo, deben comunicarse y cooperar con otros equipos, asegurándose de que sus líneas y colores estén alineados. Al final, los lienzos individuales se unen como piezas de un rompecabezas, revelando la imagen completa e impresionante por primera vez entre aplausos y vítores. La obra de arte terminada se puede conservar como recordatorio del poder del trabajo en equipo o donarla para embellecer un hospicio, un hospital o un centro comunitario local. Es una experiencia inspiradora e impactante que refuerza la cooperación y la visión compartida.


Base Fee: 790€ - Additional Cost: 57€ per person
VAT not included

Clover City Experience

Clover City Experience
Clover City Experience

Clover City Experience



Tres caminos, una ciudad, ¡infinitas aventuras!

Diseñaremos tres circuitos por la ciudad en forma de trébol. En este evento de tres horas, todos los participantes se reunirán en un punto central, donde se organizarán en tres grandes grupos. A un grupo se le entregarán bicicletas, otro grupo utilizará Segways, y el tercer grupo recibirá un libro de ruta para caminar. Cada grupo irá acompañado por un guía y un monitor. Los tres grupos emprenderán una ruta de una hora por la ciudad: unos en Segways, otros en bicicleta y otros a pie. Al cabo de una hora, todos los grupos volverán al punto de partida y comenzarán el segundo circuito. Al cabo de otra hora, iniciarán el tercer circuito. Al final, todos los grupos habrán experimentado las tres actividades y habrán tenido la oportunidad de explorar la ciudad en Segway, en bicicleta y a pie. Las rutas se diseñan a medida para cada cliente tras confirmar el proyecto y conocer las necesidades y características específicas del grupo.


Base Fee: 1900€ - Additional Cost: 97€ per person
VAT not included

Rally-Gymkhana Scavenger Hunt in Mallorca

Rally-Gymkhana Scavenger Hunt in Mallorca
Rally-Gymkhana Scavenger Hunt in Mallorca

Rally-Gymkhana Scavenger Hunt in Mallorca



Descubra Mallorca, ¡una pista a la vez!

Uno de nuestros juegos urbanos para descubrir la capital balear. A través de esta yincana superdivertida, original y llena de risas, los participantes conocerán la ciudad a la vez que fomentan el espíritu de equipo. Durante la sesión informativa, el grupo se dividirá en equipos (normalmente de 5 a 10 personas por equipo) y se invitará a los participantes a convertirse en exploradores urbanos. Cada equipo recibirá una mochila con un kit de explorador que incluye: documentación con preguntas y retos para completar, un mapa, una brújula, una cámara Nikon, un podómetro y unos prismáticos. A continuación, los participantes se embarcarán en este emocionante juego urbano. A través de preguntas, pistas y retos, descubrirán lugares curiosos de la ciudad. Las tareas incluirán encontrar objetos difíciles de localizar, interactuar con los lugareños o hacerse fotos divertidas delante de lugares emblemáticos. Los equipos deberán completar los retos y llegar a la meta lo antes posible, dentro del tiempo límite. Los participantes descubrirán lugares emblemáticos como la Catedral, el Palacio Real de la Almudaina, la Lontja y la Plaza Mayor, entre otros.


Base Fee: 590€ - Additional Cost: 47€ per person
VAT not included

Why choose us? - Benefits

Whether you're an event agency or an internal company organizer, here’s a concise look at the benefits of choosing us for your team building activities:

- Enjoy exceptional benefits that enhance your events and free up your time, allowing you to focus on other important tasks.
- Our experienced team ensures a seamless experience from start to finish, handling all the details with precision and efficiency.
- Leave the planning and execution to us, reducing your stress and workload. Simply bring your participants, and we’ll handle everything else, allowing you to relax and enjoy the event.

Our esteemed clients

Join the ranks of satisfied clients who have elevated their events to extraordinary heights with our innovative approach and flawless execution. It's time to unlock your potential for your next gathering and make it truly exceptional.


Terms and Conditions for contracting our Team Building services

Our team building services are designed to foster cohesion and enhance team performance through dynamic and constructive activities in a fun and enriching environment.

Service description

We offer the organization and production of one or more specific team building activities, including expertise to strengthen collaboration and teamwork skills. Additionally, we offer optional services such as photography and video of the event to capture the most significant moments.

Photo and video of the event

If you would like your event to be recorded on video, the editing cost is 700 Euros. Please let us know of your interest one week in advance. We often record our events by default; however, if you prefer that your event not be recorded, please inform us. After recording, the client will have the opportunity to view a sample of the edited video online and decide if they wish to purchase it for 800 Euros.


We have numerous locations available to hold these events less than 25 kilometers from the place you have indicated. Once you have confirmed the event you are interested in, we will recommend the best location. The location price is not included.

Availability of space

To conduct the event, it will be necessary to obtain the relevant permits or ensure the availability of the space. Once 50% of the budget is provided, we will proceed to request these permits or availability. In case the requested space is not available, we will suggest new similar options. If the new location is not accepted, the total amount can be recovered.

Reservation date and event price

The reservation must be made at least 4 weeks in advance and with a first payment of 50%. Reservations for September must be made in July, and the days of August will not be counted. All listed prices are tax-exempt.

Payment method:

50% of the total upon formalizing the reservation and the remaining 50% one week before the event, via bank transfer (Account Number: 2100 1359 68 0200065825) (Tarragona).

Client obligations

By contracting our services, the client agrees to:
- Make payments on time.Provide relevant information for the customization of the service.
- Follow safety instructions and respect established schedules.

Quality guarantee

We are committed to total satisfaction. In case of any dissatisfaction with our service, a partial or full refund can be requested. For this, the client must present a letter addressed to our company explaining the reasons for dissatisfaction. This guarantee will not apply if the company or intermediary agency has not complied with these contracting conditions.

Payment delays

Failure to comply with these conditions by the client results in the loss of the right to the Quality Guarantee. In case the total event amount is not provided on the event day, it must be paid the day after the event with a 10% surcharge on the total outstanding cost. Each week of delay will result in a 10% increase over the previous price.

Service modifications and additional situations

Change in the number of people

Any change in the number of places must be notified at least one week in advance of the event date. One week before the event, we will close the number of places based on the information we have. The decrease in the number of places during the week before the event will not be considered when calculating the price. Additional places requested less than a week in advance or added on the event day will be subject to a 30% surcharge.

Cancellation fees

Once the initial 50% of the reservation is received, or the event is confirmed in writing, the production department will start organizing the event, incurring expenses such as purchases, personnel, etc. If there is a cancellation three weeks in advance, the cancellation fees are 20% of the total. Between 1 and 3 weeks prior to the event, the cancellation fees are 50%. If the cancellation occurs less than a week and more than three days before the event, the fees are 75% of the total agreed upon. If the cancellation occurs less than three days before the event, 100% of the total event cost will be charged. In any case, these cancellation fees will be paid as long as we have a written confirmation that implies acceptance of these conditions.

Possibility of contracting an alternative Plan B

If desired, an alternative Plan B can always be considered to be carried out in a hotel room or pavilion. With a cost of 20 Euros per person (minimum 30 people) plus room rental expenses, it must be decided three weeks in advance. In this way, the alternative Plan B can be organized three hours before the event. It is insurance that, in any case, will be billed at the indicated price.

Rights to modify the program

If due to conditions beyond the responsibility of Dreams & Adventures or for safety reasons, the event cannot be carried out as proposed, the company reserves the right to modify the program at 100% of the cost.

In case of rain or bad weather

Our activities are designed to be enjoyed regardless of the weather. We have measures to ensure the participants' well-being and enjoyment, such as tents and rain ponchos. If rain is forecast three days before the event, the client can request a change from the contracted event to an indoor event without any cancellation cost of the first event. If it is decided to cancel all events and not have another indoor event, the corresponding cancellation policy mentioned in the previous chapter will apply.

What's your favorite? Any doubts? Let's make it happen.


Contact information

For more information or to discuss your specific needs, contact us at our email address amateu@dreamsandadventures.com. We are here to ensure your team building event is a memorable and valuable experience for your team.